As a sustainable tour company we are already doing many things to minimize our footprint to nature and and save the environment also to the future generations. However, together we are stronger, and that’s why we open here some of our ideas how you easily can participate to this work.
When you book a tour from Yoo-hoo! Tours or Helsinki TukTours, you are automatically saving the Baltic Sea with us!
Juho, the founder of Yoo-hoo! Tours, has a long history with maritime environment from working onboard the ships for a long time in the past. That’s why especially the maritime nature and Baltic Sea preservation is close to our heart. We have chosen John Nurminen Foundation for our main charity partner. We are donating a certain percentage of all of our tours for their important and productive work for saving the Baltic Sea and it’s cultural heritage or the future generations.

John Nurminen Foundation
We are doing ecofriendly, low emission tours by walking, bikes or 100% electric TukTuks – why wouldn’t you add the public transportation to the list?
All our tours start from places you easily get by public transportation. Helsinki public transport system is easy to use, covers the whole capital region and is affordable. This year we will introduce better instructions to our tour descriptions so it is even easier to use the public transport.

Visit Finland offers guidelines also to you
We are committed to the principles of Sustainable Travel, provided by Visit Finland. They also have suggestions for you as our customer, which help you to make your holiday in Finland both sustainable and spectacular! Making concrete, everyday choices matters.
We do recycle and hope you to do the same
It is great to have your own snacks, water bottles or even other refreshments with you on our tours! However, please don’t dispose any garbage to nature, this is not how we do it here. Helsinki has huge amount of waste bins throughout the city, but if you still don’t find one, our guides are happy to collect the waste and the dispose it later to correct places. In our TukTuks we do have bags for bottles and other types if waste, and we also recycle the earpieces and used batteries.

Let’s keep Helsinki a green and clean city together!